About Baltic Horizon

Baltic Horizon Fund is a listed real estate fund delivering value to investors through active management of commercial real estate in the Baltics.

What we do

Baltic Horizon Fund invests in commercial real estate in the Baltic states. We aim to acquire and actively manage high-quality properties located in the capital cities.

Our long-term goal is to build the largest single commercial real estate portfolio in the Baltic states.

Fund facts

Baltic Horizon Fund is a regulated closed-end contractual investment fund registered in Estonia on 23 May 2016.

The Fund is a public fund with no particular lifetime (evergreen). Units of Baltic Horizon Fund are made available to the public in accordance with the fund rules and applicable laws.

Both Baltic Horizon Fund and the Management company (AIFM) Northern Horizon Capital AS are supervised by Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority.

  • Fund name

    Baltic Horizon Fund

  • Fund status

    Listed on Nasdaq

  • Fund term


  • Fund administrator

    Swedbank AS

  • ROE (return-on-equity)

    target 10-12% p.a.

  • Distribution

    up to 80% of generated net cash flow

  • LTV (loan-to-value)

    target <50%

  • Auditor of the Fund

    KPMG Baltics OÜ


Download our latest factsheet for more information about the performance of the Fund.

Historic highlights

Baltic Horizon Fund was the first public real estate fund to become listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn stock exchange.

Explore the important milestones from the launch in 2010 and to today.

Who we are

Baltic Horizon is managed by an experienced team of investment managers, real estate professionals and specialists.